
Friday, December 03, 2010

**Tip-Off Classic at A-C-GC has weather changes - Wrestling tournament is still underway

The semi-final games scheduled for tonight will be moved to Saturday night, tomorrow.

The Tip-Off Classic championship games will be moved to next Saturday, December 11.

The B-B-E wrestling tournament is underway as I type this. It began at about 2:00pm and it will continue as long as the teams feel they can stick around. No telling what the evening hours will bring for weather conditions - but I don't expect they'll be that attractive.

The Benson FibroMinn Invitational has some changes as well, with the first-round games being moved to Saturday night (tomorrow) and the championship games being tentatively scheduled for December 18 - assuming all four schools agree to that date. That is still in the works.

Stay tuned.