Smooth Magic 107 FM out of Glenwood will cover the B-B-E vs. Minnewaska Area wrestling match tomorrow night, Thursday, February 3. You can tune in at 107.1 FM on your radio or through your computer by visiting their website at
At the same time, the Jaguars girls basketball team will do battle at Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted. The Lakers sit in first place in a tie with Pierz at 6-2 in CMC games.
The tip off and opening action at the B-B-E vs. Maple Lake girls basketball game last Friday.
Second half action against Maple Lake, with about 9:00 left in the game. Later in the clip, Maggie Gruber hits a rebound shot that gave the Jaguars a 37-36 lead. They held the lead the rest of the way in a 49-46 win over the Irish.