The Section 5A boys' basketball title game between our Jaguars and the Browerville Tigers is in Alexandria!!!! Friday night March 7 at 7:00pm.
I still say get there early for a good seat. It's gonna be fun!!!
Let's not let this opportunity go to waste. Here's my instructions:
1. Tell the world about the venue change so that no one drives to Crosby.
2. Get every one you know within reasonable driving distance of Alexandria to go to this game.
3. Bring an extra $10 to spend on concessions! Let's reward Alexandria for pulling off the herculean task of lining up workers for a crowd of 2,000-3,000 people.
Let's show the world that this type of last-minute change can work out. Make it pay off for Section 5A/6A officials who are now doing the heavy lifting of making arrangements with Alexandria school officials while also changing all Internet schedules for Friday.
It's no small task for these officials, who are basically volunteers. They made a great move! I've been hard on these folks, and even before all of this came up it's been a very difficult week for my family. This definitely lightens up the load off my shoulders.