
Monday, May 09, 2016

Jaguars in Minneapolis!

The B-B-E Jaguars baseball team will be playing Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg on Friday, May 13 at Siebert Field on the Campus of the University of Minnesota.  The JV will be playing at 4:00 PM, and there will be a time limit so that the varsity can begin at 6:30 PM.

Bus parking and fan parking - there is no parking on 8th Street SE next to Siebert Field and its a weird jurisdictional border with U of M, City of Mpls and BNSF Rail road in which the latter has its own parking enforcement officers that will ticket your fans. Please remind your fans to check and obey the no parking signs. On-street parking in the adjacent neighborhoods off 15th Ave SE is suggested or the 4th Street Ramp is always an option.