
Monday, April 23, 2018

Additional information on superintendent finalists

I spent about two hours on Monday night putting this information together. They are listed in no particular order! I found it important to add some website links that lead to more information and background on the finalists.

Additional information on Michael Pagel, Fulda elementary principal at their preschool-through-grade six facility:
Mr. Pagel is the high school agriculture teacher at Fulda and also their FFA advisor. He is also co-head coach of the Fulda Raiders football team.
In July 2011, Pagel’s agriculture program earned the Minnesota Outstanding Middle-Secondary Agriculture Education program award from the Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators.
You can read more about what went into that award at the Worthington Globe’s newspaper website:
Pagel is past president of the Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators in 2002-2003.
In March 2017, Pagel was named one of four finalists for the superintendent position at St. Charles schools. In June 2017, Pagel was one of four finalists for the superintendent position at Royalton. He has held his superintendent license since at least the time of his interview with Royalton.

Additional information on Jeffrey Keil, Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg elementary principal in Murdock, their preschool-through-grade six facility; he has a K-12 license. 
The K-M-S elementary school serves approximately 455 students, according to Keil’s principal website, a figure that includes their K-6 grades plus preschool students.
You can find that website here:
K-M-S recently underwent grand renovations at both the high school and elementary buildings. In Murdock, the elementary school has three new kindergarten rooms, new offices and media center and an elevator to the second floor.

Additional information on Patrick Walsh, Hutchinson high school (grades 9-12) principal, a position he has held since July 2011. 
Mr. Walsh graduated from Osakis high school and earned a B.S. degree in physical education and mathematics in 1988. He earned his M.A. degree in Educational Administration in 1999, and he earned an Education Specialist degree from the U of M-Twin Cities in 2009.
In April 2015, Walsh was named Principal of the Year for the Southwest Division of the Minnesota Association of Secondary School principals. 
Over the past four years, Hutchinson High School has been working to build career “academies” that integrate career pathways into all curricular areas. Hutchinson has been working on balancing this premise by offering hands-on opportunities for all students. This initiative is called TigerPath Academies, and you can read more about it here:
Hutchinson high school’s enrollment (grades 9-12) is 840 according to the latest figures provided by the MSHSL. The school district recently has undergone major renovations to the high school campus and school facilities.

Additional information on Josie Dingmann, who has worked in the B-B-E school district in some capacity since 2003; she is a 1999 graduate of B-B-E. Dingmann was director of Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc. from June 2003 to August 2008. (During that time, the TVOC oversaw and operated the Brooten migrant Head Start program at the elementary school but was not a direct program of B-B-E.) Since 2008, Dingmann has taught high school math at B-B-E, and in July 2009, Dingmann was named director of the B-B-E Community Education. She earned her M.A. degree in Educational Leadership and Administration from St. Cloud State University in 2012.

As director of B-B-E Community Ed, Dingmann oversees Operation Backpack Attack, which provides about 50 students each week with bags of extra food. Dingmann also serves as adviser for the B-B-E National Honor Society.

Click here to see the April 24 interview schedule: