
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Community Education dinner theater trip

SIGN UP NOW for May 9 event! B-B-E Community Education trip to DayTrippers Dinner Theatre in Bloomington SIGN UP NOW! DayTrippers Dinner Theatre presents… “Drinking Habits” - All heaven is about to break loose at the Sisters of Perpetual sewing. Just don’t tell that to their teetotalling Mother Superior. For years Sister Philamena and Sister Augusta have been making grape juice for the poor and also wine to earn money to keep the convent afloat. When the wine unexpectedly wins a $500,000 prize local reporters Paul and Sally go undercover as a nun and priest to investigate. Their presence spurs paranoia throughout the convent that spies have been sent from Rome to shut them down. The Sisters keep the audience in stitches as they run their secret wine-making industry. We will depart the Elementary School at 9:15 a.m. and the High School at 9:30 a.m. *Deadline to register is May 2, with a limit of 55.* Date: Wednesday, May 9 Time: Lunch at 12:15, Show at 1:15 Location: DayTrippers Dinner Theatre, Bloomington Fee: $68 (includes ticket, lunch, and coach bus)

You can learn more about what B-B-E Community Education is offering right now in their printed booklet that was mailed to all district households or by going online at, where you will be able to download and view their brochure on your computer or SmartPhone.