
Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Work, work, work work work

Hard at it today at the Bonanza Valley Voice; today I'm wrapping up the first newspaper issue of 2019. It will be another "quaint" 10 page issue. High hopes for a 12-page issue to kick off the new year fell by the wayside with this past winter storm that we endured.

I found this on my phone and got it uploaded...nearly two weeks old by now! My, how time flies! I stopped by girls' basketball practice on the last day of school before the Christmas break. They had a fun, cheery Christmas atmosphere in the gym!

Time to get back to it!

*Update...finally, the Bonanza Valley Voice website has been updated. It's had mostly the same content flashing on the homepage for the past 10 days. Check out the updates...all three web articles include video: