Silent Auction and more with Big Grove Lutheran Memorial Day dinner and cash raffle!
The Big Grove Lutheran church WELCA group will serve a Memorial Day dinner with Silent Auction from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, May 27 in the church basement. A silent auction will take place during that same time that includes over 300 donated items from very generous families and our awesome business community.
We will serve BBQs, salad, chips, pickles and bars with lemonade and coffee provided. Free will offering, and cash raffle to follow at 1 o’clock.
We have a tremendous local business community who has stepped up in many ways to help shepherd the Bonanza Valley Voice through his past winter and spring. It's been hectic on the slowest of's a shout out to our Belgrade Hardware Store! They have such great people there and do a fine job keeping our family and business supplied with what we need for our daily operations.