
Friday, July 05, 2019

Bonanza Valley Days 2019...on the web!

This web article at the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper website has been updated to have just about all the information I've gathered to this point. You can read it by clicking here (short link):

**Update early Saturday afternoon: the Voice newspaper office will be open on Saturday afternoon to sell Bonanza Valley Days 2019 tee-shirts. Designed and screen printed by Murphey's Printing of Brooten, they cost $15 for adult t-shirts/tanks and $10 for children's shirts.

A separate article will be posted on Saturday (July 6) that includes the full summary of food options that visitors (and residents!) of Brooten can enjoy over the four-day BVD event.

Remember: we can't pull off the grand event we call "BVD" in Brooten without the lengthy list of business sponsors! The BVD poster, which is published on page 14 of this week's Voice newspaper, has the full collection of business sponsors for the various events and activities.