
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Title match!

Match updates will follow here after 19:30 tonight. The match will be aired on Benson radio, 93.5 FM.

Before that, another iMovie production by the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper sports department will be posted below.

**And here's that video! It's about 112 seconds is best viewed in HD format, at 1080pHD!!!


**Update at 19:17: Walker-Hackensack-Akeley has a two-to-one lead in sets over Pine River-Backus. They are familiar conference opponents who went the full five sets on October 15th. PR-B won that match to take the conference title outright.

In tonight's match the Tigers won game three 25 to 18 to fend off a sweep.

**Update: WHA won 3-1 to advance.

**Update: the South title match started at 20:14...

**Update: the Jaguars won game one 25-12.

**Update: the Jaguars have a 16 to 11 lead in game two.

*Update: the Jaguars won game two 25-23. KMS rallied to close the gap to 24-23.

**Update: the Jaguars have a 22 to 15 lead in game 3.

**The outcome will be posted in a new post.

Thank you to Bonanza Valley State Bank as our premier sponsor of Jaguar volleyball playoff coverage! Your support is important and appreciated, and all of us in Jaguar Country thanks you!