
Sunday, March 15, 2020

School update: school in session on Tuesday, March 17

An update on school at B-B-E will be posted after 8 p.m. tonight.

A massive level of work is being put in locally, on a daily basis, to keep ahead of this. One example of that is with B-B-E school officials. There are no "days off" right now. It's go time, every day.

As it stands right now, Sunday night, the Jaguar Kids Connection day care will be open for regular hours on Monday, March 16.

Update at 21:08: B-B-E will hold classes on Tuesday, March 17, and part of that day will be used to prepare for the state-mandated school shut down period. B-B-E's Jaguar Kids Connection will continue to operate under normal hours of operation throughout the school shut down period of March 18 to March 27. 

Click here for the (short) link to the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper website that includes further explanation:

We all need to keep the eye on the ball: the goal is to slow, not eliminate, the general movement of people...especially large groups of people and at least minimize large gatherings of people. We are not under martial law (yet?)...not forbidden from leaving our homes.

We are all asked to take personal responsibility for our actions and the actions of those we are caring for (i.e. children) to the end that if the virus is "out and about" with us, we are not conducting ourselves in ways that only spread it further. This is why we have this on the table: closings of schools and temporary halting of sports activities.

The current state executive order does not close day cares across the state for a two-week period. It is possible, however, that B-B-E's Jaguar Kids Connection may be closed for a period of time (days?) to allow staff to conduct a "super cleaning" of the elementary building. Announcements of this are forthcoming. Whatever our school officials decide, it will be done under the advice, guidance and input of state and federal agencies.

This is not a time to panic. Good Lord, people, what if something much more serious happened? How would we all react then?

*Here's a good example that illustrates the current mess: in Oregon, police are asking the public to stop calling 911 because they ran out of toilet paper. (source: Newport, Oregon police department) That is not an emergency that first responders should respond to. It's not an emergency they would respond to. There are many ways to cope with not having toilet paper. I shouldn't have to spell that out. This news out of Oregon shows how society has gotten stupid and lazy. It's taken many generations to get to this current level of laziness and stupidity.

If you call 911 because you ran out of toilet paper, YOU'RE AN IDIOT! You're only alive right now because government has over-coddled you and protected you from your stupidity.