
Friday, June 19, 2020

Elrosa wins defensive battle (VIDEO)

Here's one video clip from early in the game tonight:

The Elrosa Saints amateur baseball team won 3-2 over New Munich. The game counted as a Stearns County League game, and the win advanced Elrosa into the semifinals of their Elite 8 tournament.

The crowd was great! For the second Friday in a row, Elrosa hosted a baseball game on a most magnificent evening with perfect weather. The mosquitoes aren't even that bad (yet)...

New London-Spicer and Cannon Falls took the field right after Elrosa's game.

*Update: New London-Spicer scored two runs in the second inning, and the final score ended up being 2-0 with NL-S defeating Cannon Falls.

More to report later.