
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Color FUND Run Day! (VIDEOS!!!)

The excitement of homecoming week continues in Jaguar Country today! The Color FUND Run gets underway at noon. Off the top of my head this is a sixth annual event. That event and the Powder Puff football game will consume my afternoon. 

Yesterday the temperature hit 85! And today it's supposed to climb to about 83 degrees. Wow!

The Wednesday of B-B-E Homecoming week is by far one of my favorite days of the year. 

Here's the exciting game five last night!:

**AND here's a throwback to 2019...the last Color FUND Run at seems so long ago:

**And let's go way back to 2017 in this video!

I hope you can get outside today!

On Wednesday night, I will get a new blog post added with video from today's excitement.

A big SHOUT OUT to the loyal and dedicated weekly support of Bonanza Valley State Bank and the Belgrade Hardware Store for regular advertising that helps keep our Bonanza Valley Voice going!