
Sunday, October 09, 2022

Church and some desk clearing

Tonight I'll clear a few notes off of my desk in this blog post and then add a new sports blog post later tonight.

Also, if you want to take in the October 2 worship service at West Lake Johanna Lutheran church, you can click here:

The Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper's "local events" folder that includes 59 galleries (at present) from separate events across Jaguar Country can be found by clicking here:

Here's a link to the Homecoming coronation album: I just got these uploaded tonight, although it does not include any of my cell phone photos yet.

We still have multiple events coming up in October in the local area. I also want to specifically point out an event that hasn't made it into my calendar (yet) or onto my newspaper pages. That is the upcoming B-B-E Music program's Halloween carnival that is on Monday, October 24 at the high school in Belgrade. Please spread the word! Details to come.