
Thursday, November 17, 2022

B-B-E musical cast and crew sing 'Fight Song' (VIDEOS)

They had a lot of fun with this one tonight...singing Rachel Platten's 'Fight Song' on the theater stage.


B-B-E high school's Olson Auditorium was rocking tonight! The energy and enthusiasm was as high as it's ever been as the fall musical cast and crew are now within 24 hours of their opening showing of Anastasia on their theater stage.

To read more on the musical, you can click over to the Bonanza Valley Voice website: At that web article, you can find a link at the end to purchase tickets for any of the shows this weekend. You can read about 12 of the musical's cast members in the November 10 and November 17 issues of the Bonanza Valley Voice print edition. These 12 students are either new to the stage this year or they are veterans who were not profiled in the newspaper's fall 2021 musical coverage.

**Here's a clip from Wednesday night's dress rehearsal:

I hope to see you this weekend at Olson Auditorium!! *As of late Friday afternoon, 90 tickets were pre-sold for the Friday night (tonight) show...and I saw that about 38 have been sold for tomorrow night's show. The seating capacity of Olson Auditorium is over 250.