
Friday, November 17, 2023

OPENING NIGHT in Jaguar Country! (VIDEOS)

Excitement fills the air across Jaguar Country as the musical students prepare for the opening night of The Addams Family - School Edition which will grace the stage of the Phil and Lucille Olson Auditorium at B-B-E high school.

Click over to the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper website and watch a video interview of Maddy Carroll, standing next to the honorary plaque for the late Phil Olson, Belgrade school music director from 1947 to 1983. Link: In 2021, the remodeled auditorium at the high school was named in honor of him and his wife, Lucille.

We are immensely proud of all our theater students. The two seniors, Carroll and Jeffrey Cihlar, have been outstanding!! We are extremely grateful for their contributions and their abilities to help bring new students into the theater this fall.

**Here's one of B-B-E's great theater student! Now graduated, here is Dylan Hirman being interviewed outside Olson Auditorium late this afternoon:

Don't miss this show! They have worked hard and deserve your support. It won't hurt people to support the Fine Arts at B-B-E as much as we support our sports teams. Trust me: you can do it! It will be good for you.

**And after the show, I'm thrilled to announce that the opening night was a marvelous success!! This very young cast was absolutely amazing!! I hope you can see one of the next two shows. Ticket sales were what I will rate "STRONG!" which is outstanding. Unofficially, they had at least 170 seats filled in the auditorium that has a capacity of about 265.

*Here's a video featuring the scene outside Olson Auditorium after the musical concluded:

Altogether on the night, I took over 400 pictures. It has been an exciting night!

Time for bed! We have wheels up at 8 a.m. to drive to U.S. Bank Stadium.