Friday, March 25, 2011

Jaguars stick it to Goodhue in the first half

The Jaguars go up 19-9 with a little over eight minutes to go until halftime vs. Goodhue.

**In a nutshell...I will expand on this later when I have more time, but late in the game yesterday, some of the most unsportsmanlike, shoddy, shameful displays of behavior were witnessed by the B-B-E coaches, players, and many of the B-B-E fans who were watching closely what was going on.

In one instance, a Goodhue player shoved Kevin Kuefler near the halfcourt line on the far sideline (from the BBE fans and media) - Kevin fell to the floor and banged up his elbow. Thank God, he was okay. That Goodhue player walked past Coach Montbriand and smarted off these words, "How do you like that, coach?"

Unbelievable. Coach Montbriand was, needless to say, stunned.

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