125th annual Pope County Fair is underway in Glenwood
Below, B-B-E students Jared Sorenson, Raeann Sorenson, Allegra Tebrake and Shante Bratsch all show goats at the 4-H show on Thursday afternoon at the Pope County Fair...
To see more about the Pope County Fair and its schedule, visit http://lifeinpopecounty.blogspot.com and http://www.popecountyfair.org
View a photo album of over a hundred pictures from Thursday's activities at the Pope County Fair by clicking here: http://www.dotphoto.com/go.asp?l=lifeinpopecounty&P=&AID=6419513&CID=0&T=1&E=Y
Friday is Kids' Day at the Pope County Fair
Pony rides by Oakdale Farm and Orchard are offered for $3 from 11am to 5pm. At noon, a Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Zoo Show will be held on the free stage. A second such type of show will take place at 3pm at the same location.
At 1pm, a prize drawing will be held for kids ages 10 and under at the free stage. The carnival and all its exciting rides opens at 1pm. Carnival armband specials run from 1pm to 5pm and also from 6pm to 10pm.
The Pope County 4-H Project Bowl teams will serve at the Little Red Barn Feed at 4:30pm.
The Truck and Tractor Pull will begin at 6pm in the grandstand. Adult tickets are $15, kids 6-12 are $10 with kids under 6 getting in free.
Saturday, August 6 is Armed Services Day
The 4-H Livestock Auction will be held at 9am on Saturday. The Pope County Farmer's Market will be held on the fairgrounds from 8am to 11am. The Glacial Ridge Cattlemen's Feed takes place at 4:30pm at the Little Red Barn. A U.S. Flag-folding demonstration will be held at 5:30pm on the free stage.
Information about Sunday's activities will be posted on Friday.
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