
Sunday, January 06, 2013

So where did Wadena-Deer Creek's top two scorers go?

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On December 14, Wadena-Deer Creek's boys' basketball team edged Staples-Motley 62-61 with two VanErp brothers leading the way with 25 and 15 points apiece.

Mysteriously, they disappeared from scorecards of W-DC's games over the Christmas break.

Lo and behold! They magically appear on Battle Lake's boys' basketball roster (senior Evan VanErp and his freshmen brother Andrew VanErp).

To make the mystery even more intriguing, W-DC has a new head coach...their former head coach, Tom VanErp, is no longer listed as a basketball coach at W-DC on their official MSHSL website.

Check out this web article and see VanErp's quotes on their loss to Pequot Lakes:

Here's another web article that shows W-DC's new head coach listed and quoted:

Things that make you go Hmmm...!

**Update: from someone who knows more firsthand information, the VanErp boys who are new to the Battle Lake team did move to the Battle Lake area. I was never really thinking that was not legitimate, but I still want to learn more about why their father (Tom VanErp) left W-DC. The phrase "witch hunt" was thrown around in the conversation I had; apparently there was bad blood in town and he didn't want to put up with it any longer.