Jaguars Girls basketball at Maple Lake to be aired on Smooth Magic 107 of Glenwood on Thursday night
Senior centers Rachel and Lauren Anderson swarm over Kimball's Amanda Wittenberg down low during the Jaguars' 68-59 win over the Cubs on Tuesday night.

You can tune in at 107.1 FM on your radio dial, or if you aren't close enough to Glenwood you can dial up the coverage on the internet.
You can tune into the Jaguars vs. Silverstreaks match by dialing 107.1FM on your radio, or tune in online by visiting and clicking on the "radio headset" logo on the match for January 28.

A strong internet connection is not required, but is helpful to listen on your computer. Pre-game coverage will begin at about 7:15pm.
At Maple Lake tonight, the Jaguars girls basketball team will attempt to keep moving up in the Central Minnesota Conference standings, as they also hope to move up in the Sub-Section 6A-South rankings. Currently they are in 9th place in the 11-team sub-section. I'm in the process of finding out how the sub-section is seeded.
Current Sub-Section 6A-South girls basketball standings:
Parkers Prairie 12-1
Hancock 10-2
Brandon-Evansville 10-3
Battle Lake 7-5
Underwood 7-6
Ashby 5-5
Wheaton/Herman-Norcross 6-7
Hillcrest Lutheran Academy-Fergus Falls 5-8
B-B-E 3-10
Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley 3-10
Henning 2-13

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