Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank a Veteran today!

So true!!!

Veterans Day programs at B-B-E will be held at 10:00am at the elementary school and at 1:15pm at the high school.

**Monday a quick shout-out to the fine staff members of B-B-E. We are extremely blessed to have our family be a part of this school district. I can't say enough good things about how hard they work and how great they are with our kids.

Also, I'm seeing a ton of "deer hunting" success stories on Facebook. Great job to all the hunters around the B-B-E area!! Many of the pictures include first-time hunters in the lower-junior-high grades. That's nice to see. Take care of those deer so my car doesn't have to!!!! Not only that, but being hunted/killed by humans with guns is 100 times more humane than getting creamed or maimed by an automobile.

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