Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Gearing up for Bonanza Valley Days 2021

If you haven't noticed, blog posts have been few and far between for about the past week or so. The lion's share of my "spare time" has been consumed in two ways: our 2,000 square foot family garden and gearing up for Bonanza Valley Days 2021 in Brooten.

Read more about BVD at the following web article on the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper website (short link): *Also: the Bonanza Valley Voice website's community calendar has finally been updated to be current for July 1. You can see that by clicking on this short link:

I missed posting about tonight's amateur baseball game between the Elrosa Saints and the Paynesville Pirates. Smooth Magic 107 FM was calling that game.

That's all for tonight. Every day will get busier and busier as we approach next Thursday, July 8!

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